
To arrange an exhibit of this work or to purchase prints, please contact:

Kay Westhues
[email protected]

18 thoughts on “Contact

  1. The Parkersburg Springs in Indiana south of Crawfordsville on U.S. 231 is shut down now. Does anyone know why? It has been a puzzle to us since it was used so frequently by all in the area.

    1. I don’t know the answer to this Dolly, maybe someone else can help if they have knowledge of this – Kay

  2. I have an odd question…but since you seem to have great knowledge about the wells here, I will ask.
    We have been getting water from the Carmel well, but was shut down temporarily. We are almost out of water and can’t drink our water or bottle water due to allergies. Anyway, I saw a few springs listed on your website that aren’t mentioned on I live in Gosport in Owen County. Do you know of a spring nearby that I could get water from?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Kristy – I did not know there was a problem with the Carmel flowing well, thanks for telling me, I just read about it on their homepage. I don’t know of any public wells in your vicinity — most of them are on private property. If you don’t mind a bit of a drive, you can try Glen Miler Park in Richmond, IN, there are a number of artesian wells in the park that are regularly tested. Best of luck! – Kay

    1. The Northville Spring Well went dry in the 60’s. It was connected to the Detroit water system since then.

  3. Hi Kay,
    I am so grateful to have stumbled across your pictures and articles on the Artesian Wells! I live in Elkhart,Indiana and grew up in Union,Michigan.I have been searching everywhere for a good spring to collect water out of that is close.I found one at Shavehead Lake in Union ,michigan recently.There seems to be lots of sediment most likely from the pipes,however.The only otherspring I have found is at Pokagon State Park in Angola.Great water but it is over an hour drive each way,then toll fee and entrance fee.I see that there may be a closer spring in LaGrange,IN. I was wondering if you know of any closer ones maybe in Michigan say around the state line or maybe in South Bend or something? Thanks.Sounds like a greeat time driving around experiencing these springs.The water is magical.I know i drank and drank and splashed around in it for a long time.It was wonderful! If any one reading this can help please feel free to email me. [email protected]
    Thank You

    Sincerely, John DeMoss

  4. Kay,
    This is a very interesting project. When I was a kid, there was a flowing well south of North Webster on Indiana 13. I’m not sure if it’s still there.

    1. The well is still there but I think it may be dry now. I grew up in Syracuse, with family in Webster. My Gpa used to take us to the well for a drink and then let us drop a penny in then he would take us for a ride on the Dixie. Some of my very fondest childhood memories.

    1. Hi Mary,
      This is very interesting, I had also heard of a well in Milwaukee that was located next to a brewery, I am not sure if it is still accessible though – have you heard of that one?

  5. Looking for artesian wells? We have one right on my property line in New Palestine on US 52. Either My neighbor or I would not mind showing you the well. It is right on the banks of Sugar Creek. It flows non-stop all year, and does not have a pump. It cascades in an old stone retaining pool, then overflows down some rocks to the creek.

  6. Were you aware of the spring at Parkersburg south of Crawfordsville, IN. It predictably has much Indian significance and easily visible on the west side of the road in this Putnam county village on SR 43.
    What you are doing is excellent and I commend you for your effort. These springs and seeps are part of our Hoosier landscape.

    1. Thanks Mike, I have been to that well before, not too long ago – the history of it is very interesting, nice that it is documented too –

  7. Hi!

    I just read the article about your work in the New York Times and love the idea of photographing and documenting artesian wells.

    I grew up in southern Michigan a mile from such a well. In fact, the crossroads was known as Artesian Wells. There was a tavern there that for years had a pipe inside where people could come and fill up jugs with water. There was also a pipe outside, if I remember correctly, that was rigged up to look like a wishing well.

    I haven’t been back there in years but I found the website and apparently it’s now owned by family friends who also own the motorcycle center next door where I worked my first job as a teenager.

    On the opposite site of the tavern is where my brother’s best friend used to live. His father owned Artesian Wells Garage, which I think is still there. I believe they had wells in their basement. Artesian Wells is the intersection of US 12 and US 127 at the junction of Hillsdale, Lenawee and Jackson Counties in Michigan.

    Also a bit further south there is a well I remember from when I was a kid on US 223 at Rome Center. It seems like it’s still there:

    Finally a bit north of Artesian Wells on US 127 and Jefferson Rd is a spring water bottling plant that sells water to Walgreen’s for their store brand generic water (I had bought a bottle in New York City where I live and was idly reading the label only to find to my surprise that the water had come from a few miles where I grew up). A few weeks ago, I was chatting with Facebook friends who still live in the area about the water — it wasn’t clear if there was still public access to the spring there or not.

    Anyway, the whole area has a number of spring fed lakes and there might be additional public access wells around that I don’t know about.

    If you do venture up that way and need a place to stay, the house I grew up in is now a bed and breakfast: Incidentally, it gets its water from a pump and when I lived there supplied water to several neighbors and a nearby cow barn.

    Wishing you continued success with your project!

    Lisa Fenger

    1. Lisa,
      Thanks so much for these wells, they are in a area that I want to explore more – I’ve added them to my google map. The B&B is absolutely beautiful, how wonderful to have grown up in such a place! All the best – Kay

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